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Biblio: the search term namn=('Sundberg, Kenneth') results in 12 hits

1. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Interactions between dissolved and colloidal substances and a cationic fixing agent in mechanical pulp suspensions / A. Sundberg...et al.
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 8 (1993) 1, s. 226-231.

2. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Calcium-induced aggregation of dissolved and colloidal / K. Sundberg...et al.
- In: Journal of pulp and paper science, ISSN 0826-6220, 20 (1994) 11, s. J 317-322.

3. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Interactions between simple electrolytes and dissolved and colloidal substances from mechanical pulp / K. Sundberg...et al.
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 9 (1994) s. 125-128.

4. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Dissolved air flotation with calcium and polygalacturonic acids / K. Sundberg, R. Ekman and B. Holmbom.
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 10 (1995) 3, s. 201-203, 229.

5. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Effects of enzymes on the stability of colloidal pitch / A. Kantelinen...[et al.].
- In: Proceedings : oral presentations / The 8th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, June 6-9, 1995, Helsinki, Finland. - [Helsinki] : Association of Finnish Paper Engineers, 1995, s. 605-612.
ISBN 952-90-6480-2
6. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Effects of wood polysaccharides on colloidal wood resin in papermaking / by Kenneth Sundberg. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1995. - Var. pag. : diagr., tab. Diss.: Åbo Akademi. - Sammandrag.
ISBN 951-650-631-3
7. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Assessment of pine and spruce wood proportions in pulp production by analysis of resin acids / K. Sundberg ... [et al.].
- In: Paperi ja puu = Paper and timber, ISSN 0031-1243, 79 (1997) 5, s. 327-329.

8. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Destabilization of colloidal wood resin caused by cellulosic fibers in thermomechanical pulp suspensions / K. Sundberg and B. Holmbom.
- In: Paperi ja puu = Paper and timber, ISSN 0031-1243, 79 (1997) 1, s. 50-54.

9. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Determination of fatty and resin acid calcium soaps / K. Sundberg ... [et al.].
- In: ISWPC : 9th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, June 9-12, 1997 : poster presentations / International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry (1997). - Montréal : CPPA, 1997, s. 4. Preprint. - Ryggtitel: 9th ISWPC.
ISBN 1-896742-15-7
10. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Determination of hemicelluloses and pectins in wood and pulp fibres by acid methanolysis and gas chromatography / A. Sundberg ... [et al.].
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 11 (1996) 4, s. 216-219, 226.

11. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Effects of wood polysaccharides on the stability of colloidal wood resin / K. Sundberg ... [et al.].
- In: Journal of pulp and paper science, ISSN 0826-6220, 22 (1996) 7, s. J226-J230.

12. Sundberg, Kenneth / Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi
  Preparation and properties of a model dispersion of colloidal wood resin / K. Sundberg ... [et al.].
- In: Journal of pulp and paper science, ISSN 0826-6220, 22 (1996) 7, s. J248-J252.